I. A Few of My Favorite Topics A. “Afton: a Desert Station along the Mojave River on the Salt Lake Route, or, Who is Buried in the Cemetery?” San Bernardino County Museum Association Quarterly 55 (Number 4, 2010): 3-10 (PDF). B. The United States Congress: Significant Ecological or Environmental Legislation from the mid-19th to the late 20th Centuries of Interest to Archivists, Curators and Librarians, drawn from UCLA DIS 455 "Government Information." C. The Archeology of Joshua Tree National Parkwith Dr. Claude N. Warren and Dr. Joan S. Schneider II. Useful World Wide Web Sites A. UCLA Costen Institute of Archeology B. National Park Service, Archeology Program Created: 24 May 2008; revised, 27 October 2010. |